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Coaching at your fingertips.
Access PGA golf coaches whenever you need them with our simple remote swing analysis.
Looking after your swing, wherever you are
There has never been a better time to have your swing analysed remotely.
Ladies Love Golf offers a unique service to our members to enable you to have PGA coaching on hand. No need to leave your home or have access to special equipment, you can have your analysis and personalised improvement plan within hours.
Great value coaching, from your home
Compared to an individual coaching lesson, grabbing some personalised remote coaching is incredible value and keeps you improving, even when you can't be at the range. And there's even more value with LLG premium membership...
Not convinced? See what you will receive

Take a tip from us
Read our simple tips on how to record your swing.
Ideally, ask someone to film your swing
Make sure you and your full swing are both in shot
If you are recording yourself, place your phone somewhere safe and stable
If indoors, try to film somewhere bright
Keep background noise to a minimum
Provide 2 videos, one facing the camera and one side on
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